If one would like to establish a winning morning routine they need to set the intention the night before. There have been many books written on the morning routines of the super famous and successful business tycoons. I have been practicing the same morning routine since July 1, 2015 and it has served me well. It is because of my morning practice/routine that I actually hit all my business and personal goals this year. A book I highly recommend is the Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod. In it Hal challenges the reader to a 30-day challenge of following a morning routine. My book club took the challenge in July of 2015 and I have continued the routine every morning.
Using the Miracle Morning routine I added a component that includes setting my Business Networking Intention that I practice every day. No matter what is going on in a particular day I make sure I wake up early enough to complete my morning routine. Here is my 7-step process:
1. Be Grateful:
Spend a little time being Grateful as soon as you wake up. When is the last time you woke up and thought or said out loud all the things, people, and experiences in which you are GRATEFUL? It is amazing what happens to your energy level when you begin the day in this manner.
A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility. It is a foundation for the development of such virtues as prayer, faith, courage, contentment, happiness, love,and wellbeing.–James E. Faust
2. Affirmations:
Repeating positive affirmations that are in tune with you goals and dreams. When you repeat affirmations one immediately puts their mind in a positive winning state. The definition is an incantation is: a written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect. I like to write my affirmations on 3×5 cards. I choose one or two that fit with the day and repeat them to get into a winning mindset.
3. Visualization:
Visualization of what your day is going to look like by actually walking through your entire day from how you wake up to going about getting ready to your path of travel to your appointments, etc. I focus on positive outcomes of my sales appointments as well. Have you ever mentally walked through your entire day? It is fun and interesting. I try to visualize as much detail as possible. I see myself driving down the road to my next destination. It is amazing what pops into the picture while walking though the visualization process.
4. Exercise:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes or whatever you have time to do. I think the best exercise is actually the exercise one will do. You don’t need any special equipment. If you began your day with just a nice brisk walk outside for 30 minutes your body, mind, and spirit will reward you greatly.
The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.–Kenneth H. Cooper
5. Reading:
Choose something motivational or uplifting and read for 10 to 20 minutes. I prefer to read an actual book during my morning routine. If you choose to read electronically, just be careful not to get side tracked with electronic time wasters. I recommend reading the Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod and take the 30-day challenge. For successful Entrepreneurs interested in Digital Marketing I recommend The Red Carpet Guide to Visibility and Influence, by Joie Gharrity. You can also find more Business Networking tips on my blog by visiting www.EspressoBrain.com
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.–Joseph Addison
6. Writing:
I think a lot of people would like to journal, but don’t seem to have he discipline to do so. I’m talking about actually writing with a pen or pencil. We spend so much time on our electronic devices that I think our brain is actually refreshed when we pick up a good old pen and write. Sometimes, I write a card or a letter to a friend. People really enjoy getting a personally written note via snail-mail. When I first started practicing my morning routine I used the writing time to work on posting a blog. I blog on the topic of Business Networking. I enjoy blogging so it has been very rewarding for me to spend time on this type of creative writing. It exercises my brain and I gain a tremendous amount of energy from writing. If you are interested in reading more Business Networking tips you can visit my blog at www.espressobrain.com.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.–Benjamin Franklin
7. Business Networking:
I spend a little time setting my intention on where I am going to network during the day and whom I’m going to meet. By setting your intention you have a better chance of actually attracting your ideal client. By setting goals first thing in the morning it sets your mind to WIN the day. If you are in a sales career or an entrepreneur this is an extremely important step in the daily routine.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.–Dale Carnegie
This simple process that can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the time one has in a given day. I found that once I started practicing the routine I wanted more time to work on certain aspects so I set my alarm for an hour earlier than I had been getting out of bed just so I could complete my routine and give each step its proper amount of time. Sometimes I have to cram it all in and sometimes I can take a little more time, but the key here is to do it every day and set the intention the night before. I even continue the practice while traveling or on vacation. I don’t let any excuse keep me from starting my day with this winning routine.
Try this 7-step winning morning routine and see what happens.
Those who only do what they feel like doing, don’t do much. To be successful you must take action even when you don’t feel like it knowing that the action itself will provide the motivation you need to follow through.–Hal Elrod, author of the Miracle Morning.
If you wish you can read my other helpful business networking tips at www.espressobrain.com. Happy Networking!
Twitter Handle: @GinaEstrada
EspressoBrain is committed to sharing information, ideas and resources that will maximize the time you spend networking and turn those chance encounters into profitable relationships.
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