
How would you rate your networking efforts? 2? 0? 1? 6?

A 2? 0? 1? 6?…how would you rate your NETWORKING efforts?

As we close out the first month of the year, how would you rate your networking efforts?

Let’s review your simple successful networking plan: Have you…

Identified your ideal client?

Prepared a few probing business questions to ask? (Did you practice asking the questions?)

Where did you go to network? Were your ideal clients there?

Did you ask permission to follow up with those you would like to get to know better?

Did you call them and set your one-on-one appointments to get to know them and their business better?

By implementing a prepared plan for the time you spend networking you will:

  1. Stand out from the rest of the uninformed networkers
  2. See immediate and measurable results
  3. Maximize your valuable time


If you haven’t signed up for the FREE PDF version of the Little Miracles, #100 easy to implement business tips on networking, please do so now at If you already have, forward this to a friend….now you are networking.